You Must Be Really Really Bored...

Sincrow is my anonym and I am a South East Queensland based graphic designer and automotive photographer.

I seriously mispent my childhood drawing and writing on what ever I could get my hands on. When I was introduced to computers my passion for design began to develop into something I could make a living from.

I am a professional web developer by day and enjoy creating websites with PHP, HTML, CSS, JS and a bunch of other swear words you might not like.

Recently my interest in custom lettering has been rekindled and I am truely addicted to creating beautiful hand writen lettering and find my self frequently holding a Nikko or a Sharpie just throwing down some lines.

I have always been involved with cars thanks to my old man being a grease monkey. It wasn't until 2013 that I decided to learn the basics of automotive photography. I instantly fell in love with a technique called light painting and I have been honing my style ever since.

I'm available to talk anytime about your upcoming design projects, automotive photography needs, or even just to chat about how much you love old school Toyota's!

Lets Talk